Amazon – MyBestSeller.ORG We help you write and publish your best seller. Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:45:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Amazon – MyBestSeller.ORG 32 32 NO MORE FEAR, BECOMING I AM Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:35:43 +0000

No More Fear, Becoming I AM Hardcover – January 23, 2022

From the moment you and I enter this world we are measured. At birth, practitioners assign APGAR scores to determine our health stats. If we do not meet a minimum requirement, we are placed into a special care unit to correct our deficiencies. Our parents wonder, “why is my baby not perfect or what did we do wrong?” This struggle continues not only during infancy, but throughout the rest of our lives. Living in the looming shadows of being constantly measured brings us to fear and never really face who we really are or who we can be, because we are always struggling to measure up. In No More Fear, Becoming I Am, Author Melissa Benson shares stories of her struggle dealing with the fears and how she triumphed to becoming who she was created to be. Throughout each chapter you will be inspired to journal reflections that help you identify what’s keeping you in fear and become empowered towards your own journey to becoming “I AM.”

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His Dark Side: A Novel of Suspense by Brenda J. Burton Fri, 31 Dec 2021 14:38:33 +0000

His Dark Side: A Novel of Suspense by Brenda J. Burton Paperback – December 23, 2021

Brenda J. Burton has done it again! Author of four books, Brenda started her career as a published author in 2019 and has been birthing her brilliance ever since. She is a wife and mother of four, a multi-talented song-writer, caterer, baker, and entrepreneur. She has also been heavily engaged in ministry for over 30 years and loves having dedicated her life and service to God. In His Dark Side, a fictional work, Brenda shares the story of four friends whose vacation turns into a nightmare that neither will forget. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this chilling novel of suspense from the creative talents of Author Brenda J. Burton.
When Walking with God – Put Your Shoes On Sat, 11 May 2019 04:55:24 +0000

Journey Of Faith While Walking With God “Put Your Shoes On!” Paperback – April 7, 2019

Journey Of Faith While Walking With God “Put Your Shoes On!” is a compilation of conversations with God about faith, but they all came about during my daily walks in the morning. God would meet me and start talking to me as I walked with Him. This book was birthed out of a season of loss in my life and I quickly recognized that God was wanting to spend time with me, On our morning walks together, God opened His heart to me and once I returned home, my heart was opened. I was different. Everything was different. It is my prayer that as you read and meditate on what God has shared in the book, you will be blessed and develop your own time of “walking” with him, and forever experience your breakthroughs in life in the process.

Author, Adlysa J. Hollis

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Power of Prayer – Faithfulness of God Sat, 11 May 2019 04:49:48 +0000

The Power of Prayer - Testimony of the Faithfulness of God: Volume 1 Paperback – April 19, 2019

Many years ago, God taught me an invaluable lesson that has shaped my life forever. It was the first and hardest lesson of my adult life at the time, and because of His sole intervention, I am who I am today. I invite you who dare to believe God and trust Him at His Word to journey along with me as I share a testimony of the Power of Prayer in my life.

-Author, Diana Williams

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Dad, I Forgive You Sat, 11 May 2019 04:33:02 +0000

Dad, I Forgive You: A Journey of Faith Paperback – February 7, 2019

Love, patience, and kindness of our Heavenly Father triumphs over every past situation and circumstance. I know because I am still alive. I am on the other side of the betrayal, sexual abuse, and unforgiveness now. I have crossed over and YOU can too! Scripture declares, “God has made everything beautiful in its time….” (Eccl. 3:11). Within these pages, my story is shared with you, the reader, so that you may find your reason, your season and space of healing, where God turns everything around for His glory, and your life becomes beautiful again to you in its time – and so do you.

-Author, Teressa Simmons

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Gifts From God Himself Sat, 11 May 2019 04:28:44 +0000

Gifts from God Himself: 50-Day Devotional Paperback – April 7, 2019

Are you ready to receive a new outlook in your life? Are you ready to experience and enjoy the gifts of God that make you truly prosperous no matter what your issues or circumstances are in life? There are at least 5 Senses that Father God gives as gifts that I will share with you in this book. They are the Gifts of:

  • Sight
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch, and
  • Hearing.

This 50-day Devotional allows you to see the beauty in these 5 Senses that God has provided to us as human beings. My desire is to share with you how to become healthy and whole within yourself using these five gifts. This “Self-care” is essential because it is needed for your spiritual and physical man. Take this 50-day journey with me and you will see how:

  1. The Lord God opens up our eyes that we have 20/20 spiritual vision. Let God open up our eyes not to judge others but to look beyond situations that we may see what He has purposed for our lives.
  2. The Lord God opens up our noses that we smell the spiritual fragrances, those which are helpful and positive so that we know what to embrace, as well as those which are toxic and unsafe, so that we choose to stay away from that which can cause harm. Let the fragrance of our lives and lifestyles be pleasing in the nostrils of God.
  3. The Lord God opens up our mouths so that we may speak what He would have for us to say. Practice using our mouths not to criticize, but to speak with truth and love words that will edify, build up, and uplift instead of tearing down.
  4. The Lord God opens up our hands and hearts so that we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. It is our prayer that Holy Spirit will give us direction and guidance for our journey here on earth, so that our hands will not seek to punish but to be merciful and give a helping hand.
  5. The Lord God opens up our ears so that we may hear His voice concerning His abundant life for us. It’s our desire to hear God’s instructions on how to be a disciple so that more disciples will come into the kingdom of God.

God’s Word along with our obedience is the key to our success and purpose in life. My prayer is that you would embrace this 50-day journey and watch God show Himself mighty & strong on your behalf.

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Staying the Course Sat, 11 May 2019 04:22:47 +0000 Staying The Course: A Prayer Manual for Your Marriage Paperback – April 20, 2019]]> The physical and spiritual attack against family can be and has been great, both in the United States and throughout the world. Believers in Christ need a strategy against the tactics of the enemy in our marriages and relationships. It is important to see our spouses as partners unless God is saying otherwise. Even if God does say otherwise, He provides a strategy to display love and compassion toward our spouses, and we need to remember to maintain our partnership with God in every situation. This Prayer Manual will help you do just that. Build a prayer life for you, your mate, and your family that will impact your life, as well as those around you. This journal is not a cure all for the troubled marriage, nor is it a panacea for every type of potential spousal relationship. We still have to seek God for His plan for our lives specifically. God’s plan could be a different plan than what we desire. However, our obedience, particularly in prayer and intercession is essential to His purpose and promise for our lives.

-Author, Sharon Parker

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There’s a WIN in Waiting Sat, 11 May 2019 04:18:15 +0000 There's a WIN in Waiting Paperback – April 18, 2019]]> Life can throw many curve balls, so we duck, dive, or bend to miss the hit, or we stand firm and prepare for the catch. In those milliseconds we are waiting for the ball to hit the glove for the catch, is when we prepare. Planting our feet for a strong stance with our knees slightly bent and our arms in place with hands open steady and firm ready for the ball that’s coming in hard. This is how we prepare for life. In this life, we will always find ourselves waiting, but it’s the process that builds our faith, character, and who God has created us to be. There is a purpose for everything, and every season, so don’t skip the process because it is the most important part of life. I hope this book encourages, motivates, and inspires you to not give up on your dreams and visions. But wait on the Lord for He will renew your strength. -Author, Tricia D.


Finding herself waiting on many occasions for a breakthrough, miracle, or a dream/vision to come to past, Author Tricia D says, “In this time of waiting is where I grew the most. I found out who I really was in my strengths and weaknesses. Needless to say I still struggle with those weaknesses, but at least I now know what they are, so I know how to pray until my change comes.” A compelling book for women of all ages, There’s a WIN in Waiting teaches us to look within the wait and not despise the process, but embrace it instead.


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Heartprints Sat, 11 May 2019 04:13:53 +0000

Heartprints: A 31-Day Devotional for Women Paperback – April 19, 2019

HEARTPRINTS was birthed through my journey and personal examination of my heart. It is a devotional providing readers with the opportunity to perform a personal checkup and assessment on the state or condition of their own heart. My prayer is that as you take in each daily devotional, Heartprints will become personal to you and not just another book. Please meditate and reflect on God in these Scriptures, daily practicing asking God the hard question, “What are you saying to me, Dear God?” I pray that you will allow God, who is the BENEFACTOR of your Soul, to expose any conditions of the heart; that would hinder you from having God’s BEST in your life.

Author, Ursula Rattliff

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Miraculous Voices in the Medical Room Sat, 11 May 2019 04:03:49 +0000

Miraculous Voices In The Medical Room 

As a medical doctor and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I’ve been a witness to gifts of healing and working of miracles performed by God! Because of this calling, I began journaling God’s Medical Miracles and Healings in 2000. I never knew those journals would become a book on the miracles I’ve seen from the medical room. This is the divine appointed time to share these true stories! I have emerged to tell you that the God of Miracles is still performing miracles and healing today!

The Lord spoke to me and told me to tell his people that nothing is impossible for Him (Jeremiah 32:27). “I’m Bigger than Heart Disease! I’m Bigger than Cancer! I’m Bigger than HIV!,” saith the Lord!

The God of Miracles is alive and performing them today! I’m not writing about what I heard; I’m documenting what I’ve seen God perform on earth! My eyes have seen the Glory of God! And now you can be a witness to these incredible modern day testimonies too by reading these true stories. Stand and behold the dynamic power of our God!

-Author, Dr. Sabrina Echols-Sampson

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